Biotech High Tech Incubator
At ingenyus* we had an active participation in the initiative promoted by the AVTE of the University of Santiago de Compostela: BIOINCUBATECH. This High Technology Incubator was created to promote innovation and transfer of biotechnology in the field of health and food technologies to micro and SMEs.

We participate both in the coordination and planning of the presentation event, including dynamisation and networking activities, and in the execution of the services included in the incubation and acceleration activities.
comprehensive marketing, sales and communication service
Ingenyus*’ collaboration within the project framework focused on providing comprehensive technical assistance in marketing, sales, and communication. For each of the projects linked to the initiative, a set of actions was offered to boost their development according to their stage.
Thus, we collaborated with over 40 companies through our services, in various aspects such as web design and development, consultancy, launching on social media, commercial presentations, paid positioning, etc.
The projects, all based on technology, were as diverse as:

closing event – BioGalicia Summit
Ingenyus*’s involvement in the closing event presentation was characterized by comprehensive management, notable for its consulting work in defining the event, selecting speakers, and outlining the program. As a cross-cutting action, the focus was on web design and development, as well as attracting attendees through distinguished positioning and communication efforts.
Finally, it is worth highlighting the organization of an online networking event using digital tools that enabled one-to-one meetings aimed at establishing business or collaborative relationships to boost projects.
Below is an excerpt from the presentation event:
Join TFG/TfM
As the concluding phase of the project, comprehensive service was provided in organizing and managing Join TFG/TFM, an initiative integrated within the BioIncubaTech Project. This initiative rewards students who have produced the best final thesis projects for bachelor’s and master’s degrees in biotechnology, specifically those focused on the agri-food and health sectors.